"God Bless The U.S.A."
She loved standing in the harbor, watching the people go by, Her torch of Liberty raised so high it seemed to touch the sky. I wonder what she thought as those TWINS began to fall? She couldn't turn away, she was forced to watch it all. Did she long to offer comfort as so many lay dying and dead? With her arm forever frozen high above her head. She could not shield her eyes, she could not hide her face, As she stood watching across the harbor, what she saw was a disgrace. The cloud of smoke and terror she seemed reduced in size, Did she feel small within the harbor? Yet we still saw her beauty forever recognized.....
So beautiful, so silent on a day so many died. I wonder what she thought? I know she must have cried. Today she stands for freedom with her torch raised for all to see, The Lady in the Harbor, stills stands for liberty. ©copyright Johnnie Oakes