"Angels Among Us"
"Messenger of Hope" from the Inspired Artwork of Danny Hahlbohm. It is copyrighted and used with his gracious permission.
My Mom taught me that there are angels everywhere, You may not always feel them, but they are still there. Sometimes when you feel you can not go on, They are waiting to lift you up, help you to remain strong, Maybe you are sitting all alone or, it is a sad lonely night, They are watching over you, until the morning light. Someone has hurt you with words that broke your heart, Your angel is there to help make a new start,
You are told that someone you love did not make it through, Your angel is there, willing to hold you, Angels are not always, what we call "The Norm, " You could look at one and not know it, they can come in any form, You could see a poor beggar, just walking on the street, Maybe a small child with no shoes on it's feet. Lift up your heart, show someone that you care, You just might be that Angel, and not be Aware. ~Johnnie Oakes ~
To all the Angles God has sent me, Thank you.