"Staying Alive"



Hello Girl Friend, How Are You Today?

I am so glad that you dropped by, I have a lot to say,

Do you ever feel like you are just standing in one place?

I keep trying to keep up with what is called "The Rat Race"

I have given birth to a bunch of ungrateful kids?

They have never once stopped to say "thank you Mom" for all the GREAT things you did?

I worked My tail off from morning until night,

Then my neighbor was at the door waiting for a fight,

My kid pushed her Kid, My dog "was after her cat"

As the neighbor stands there yelling, I was eyeing a baseball bat,

I Dashed to the market, they are having a HUGE sale,

When I Returned three hours later, I was not feeling very well,

I am sure that most of the swelling will go down in my face,

Maybe I should not have challenged " That Old Bitty" over the parking space,

I am glad you dropped by, please come back soon,

I had better get busy, it has been a long day, and it is almost noon.

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